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Anti-woke economic terrorists have now wiped out $5 trillion in stock value Anti-ESG hysteria driven by online hate platforms has disproportionally eroded portfolios of color and sabotaged our planet's future. Call it what it is: terrorism.

The anti-wokes are celebrating yet another dubious victory as new data shows that global investments in ethical companies have nosedived by nearly $5 trillion over the past two years.

The Global Sustainable Investment Alliance (GSIA) on Wednesday reported that the total value of sustainable assets has shrunk from $35.3 trillion in 2020 to a mere $30.3 trillion in 2022. S&P Global Clean Energy Index reports a 30% fall so far in 2023. The United States alone has seen assets in ESG funds plunge 50.5%, from over $17 trillion to a meager $8.4 trillion.

ESG, short for environmental, social, and governance, refers to a set of ethical standards guiding investors on how to place their money so as to minimize harm. While funding wind farms and equity seems universally appealing, right-wingers argue that these initiatives “oppress” white males.

The repercussions of the anti-ESG downturn have not been felt uniformly. Investors of color bear a disproportionately heavy burden as they are more likely than white folks to invest in companies aligned with ethical and sustainable practices. These are, after all, the companies that are also willing to affirm that non-white lives matter.

While anti-ESG sentiment erodes financial portfolios of color, it also undermines our collective efforts to promote positive change through responsible investing. And the broader implications suggest an ever widening gap in wealth and opportunity, as losses to portfolios of color only exacerbate existing disparities.

Let’s be clear about where to put the blame. Conservative lawmakers, driven by an irrational culture of anti-woke hysteria, have actively taken measures to resist the incorporation of ESG principles into business and investing. This opposition has manifested in legislative efforts across multiple states, from Florida to Utah, where lawmakers are pushing back against the injection of ethics into the financial sector.

Related: House Republicans Issue Anti-ESG Priorities for 118th Congress — Bloomberg Law

The anti-woke hysteria driving them finds its origins in unmoderated online communities, most notably hate platforms like 4chan and X. Bitter young males — often incels — from these darkweb sites are brutally enforcing a vast online alt-right echo chamber, effectively drowning out more rational voices. This shapes not only public discourse but also the policy decisions of conservative lawmakers eager to put harmful online ideas into legal practice.

The hate from these groups has picked up steam with the tanking of Anheuser-Busch, and is often controlled by extremist statements from alt-right leaders and podcasters. 4chan and X erupted in celebration on Wednesday when Elon Musk spread a dangerous advertisement-related conspiracy theory about a Jewish man while on the New York Times DealBook Summit stage.

Outside of a few token efforts, the powerful ripple effects of these online ideologies on real-world policies is something that has not been grappled with. And far too many are still afraid to call the phenomenon what it is: terrorism.

Because it is terrorism, as uncomfortable as the implications may be. MSNBC agrees:

So that’s the status update, my dear Afrunauts. Our planet and its future is now basically held hostage by young males recruited into 4chan’s hate army by Elon Musk and extremist online podcasters like Joe Rogan and Tim Pool.

Related: Addressing the Alt-Right Pipeline — Berkeley Political Review

Where do we go from here?

Economic thinkers like Hasan Piker suggest one short-term solution for revitalizing ESG could involve ethical investment requirements for funds, ETFs, and 401(k) plans. Such a mandate could function as a booster shot in the arm of ethical financial interests, aligning global capital with sustainable and equitable societal goals.

Will it happen?

Not unless reasonable people get together and create their own lawmaker-influencing echo chambers to counter theirs. A tall proposition.

Ultimately, we’ll have to deal with the terrorists. Our planet is now at stake.

Sorry, Afrunauts! While 85% of you are wonderful people, the other 25% were far too frequently brigades and troll farms. Their abusive comments have traumatized our moderators, and so we can't allow comments until we have built an ethical way to address the troll problem. If you feel the calling and you have familiarized yourself with what is and isn't free speech, you can still email us your scribbles. If your feedback is excellent, we may manually add it!
PS. The A Black Woman Is Speaking mug is a standing invitation to sit down, shut up, and engage in the wisdom shared by Black women. Lord knows the world needs it right now.

207 thoughts on “<span class="entry-title-primary">Anti-woke economic terrorists have now wiped out $5 trillion in stock value</span> <span class="entry-subtitle">Anti-ESG hysteria driven by online hate platforms has disproportionally eroded portfolios of color and sabotaged our planet's future. Call it what it is: terrorism.</span>”

  1. “(…) have actively taken measures to resist the incorporation of ESG principles into business and investing. ”

    May I ask where a mandate to implement any of that even comes from in the first place?

    Where and when did we have a chance to vote for the ESG or which elected party announced it on their party program?

    It’s not in the wrong to resist, but to push something in a sneaky way bypassing democratic legislative process.

  2. As an expert in terrorism, I can state that your article is a load of Bovine Fecal Matter. You do not hve a clue what it actually is and misuse the term throughout your article.

    You should adjust your byline. I would suggest you change it from:

    Conscious. Caring. Comfortable.


    Uninformed, Willing to Lie, and Generally Full of Shit

  3. Let’s call the woke movement what it is. Racist, nihilistic, immoral, unfair, genocidal and destructive. Humanity is pushing back since we don’t want to die. We want family values, a future for our kids, better lives for all. We want to reward people for hard work, not skin color. We want families to be valued, not belittled. We want truth, not play along with mentally ill people. No black washing, no white washing, no ignoring statistics. We want skin color to not matter. We don’t want to be subject to any communism, socialism, racism or woke-ism.

    We will all be better off without these (proven to be idiotic) principles.

    • >We don’t want to be subject to any communism, socialism, racism or woke-ism.

      You do realize, that unregulated capitalism is what has led to this. Every system gets corrupted if the ones in charge are not held responsible for their actions.

  4. I might be hysterical, but not as much as the tone of this article.

    Is it AI generated? Or are there really people who care this much about companies that don’t even know you exist?

  5. White men are the devil….

    – – – – a few moments later – – – –

    Why don’t white men buy our stuff??

  6. What a great article.
    I also have a failing company, and was thinking about changing my product to suit the market and my customer base.
    Silly me.
    I’d never even considered the genius of calling my customers terrorists and demanding they think and act as I command.
    This is pure genius.
    But I do need a tiny bit more help after trying this
    What do I do when tell me to f*** off?
    I mean, I’m sure there is a simple strategy to force them to do as they’re told; right?
    But I don’t see how that works.
    How do I end their freedim and control them properly again?
    Much thanks in advance for that informaition.

  7. There’s something deliciously ironic and stupid about calling people ‘economic terrorists’ in one line and then accusing them of being ‘hysteric’ in the next XD

  8. “Let’s be clear about where to put the blame. Conservative lawmakers, driven by an irrational culture of anti-woke hysteria, have actively taken measures to resist the incorporation of ESG principles into business and investing. ”

    Is it OUR leftists propaganda products that are in the wrong?
    No, no. It’s those pesky rational white men trying to protect their families from the onslaught of anti-white hatred who are to blame!

  9. I haven’t voted for a Republican since the first Bush. That’s changing this year. The racism, intolerance, and intellectual dishonesty of the left has gone too far. The maximalist immigration was the final straw. Calling names, using labels, etc., that’s not argument. In fact, it’s an admission of being on the wrong side of an issue.

  10. When the government takes my car after I drove after consumption of undisclosed substances and I get fired from my job
    -wow what a bummer
    When investment firms loose 5 trillion dollars out of their 35 trillion dollar capital
    -we much genocide all terrorists

  11. “Anti-woke economic terrorists” 😀 LOL. I am proud to be one of them. Of course white cisgender superstraight middle-aged male. 😛

  12. So lemme get this straight… you insult white people, tell them to shut up, you don’t want them around… then you get pissed off when they don’t throw money at you?!

  13. What’s hilarious is how you leftists have the backing of the entire oligarch owned corporate world, and yet, a little message board like 4chan has the ability to make you all squirm. I wonder why that is? Why don’t you go comment there, where free speech is fully accepted, let’s see how valid your ideas are when you can’t censor the opposition. Something tells me you won’t fair too well there, because even with your corporate backing, and the billions of dollars being put into these all-enslaving agendas so many of you support, where liberty comes second to tyrannical agendas you pass off as “saving the planet” or “keeping the public safe”, you still can’t stand up to the truth….so many people see through propaganda like this article, trying equate free speech with terrorism so you can build a false reality where terrorism laws can be used to silence any one who speaks against your agendas and lies. The truth can’t be silenced, but good luck trying.

  14. It’s amazing how little information is in this piece. We don’t even know if there decreased is because companies are doing the woke BS or they are losing customers.

    You just assumed that your enemies are male, white and incels. Because you have be no ability to imagine an enemy that isn’t the one you want.

  15. “Economic thinkers like Hasan Piker”
    >”economic thinkers”
    >hasan piker

    this is just the left-wing variant of economic grifts. way to go ESG for getting another round of useless uneducated shysters their mansions and luxury cars, absolutely 0 people of color have been legitimately helped, but at least your CEOs and leaders can live close enough to Hollywood Hills that they can just fake the rest. Almost sounds a bit like another organization that promises to help support people of color. Oh but wait, I almost forgot, these organizations aren’t real! They’re just ideas! There is no leadership so stop looking into it!

  16. Just a simple thought: Maybe your product is so shitty the consumer won´t buy it. So instead of pushing your personal agenda, you should have deliverered a good product… That´s how the market works.

  17. One hilarious thing is how you erroneously blame “anti-woke hysteria” on so-called “unmoderated online communities” (4Chan and X). I mean, there is a good amount of it that does come from Youtube. But overall, let’s look at the facts: the VP at Bud Light calls her customer base “fratty” and “out of touch”. So, doesn’t that insult every single person who’s ever been in a college fraternity? And every single person who doesn’t act hip and woke and postmodern, including tens of millions of older people? That’s an awful lot of people to insult, who then refuse to buy the product. And almost none of them have anything to do with 4Chan or Twitter. You might want to actually walk out into the real world and ask the vast majority of people what they think (most of them have decidely centrism and mainstream views) before making such a statement blaming the supposed dark corners of the Internet for why nobody agrees with you.

  18. Conservatives have the money and the purchasing power. Very few POC are investors anyway. You can’t make us spend money where we don’t want to spend it. Boo hoo.. cry harder 😂😂😂

  19. I’m so happy you fear me, but you really should fear God.
    You don’t. That’s why your decisions are trash and your life is a mess. Imagine if you will a world in which white people blamed a mythical blackness for every poor decision made by any white person. We’d be the laughing stock of the world, just like you currently are.

  20. A racist is a social race warrior—a person emotionally committed to the “huwhyte” side of the race war. (Black folks cannot be racist—only passionate.) A racist is someone who thinks about the white race the way a Dodgers fan thinks about the Dodgers. Or a Japanese soldier in WWII thinks about the Emperor. A racist is pro-white. Right? [Sarcasm]
    You are suffering from what the Jews call “false consciousness.” Your ideas are not your ideas. They are your enemy’s ideas, twisted around backward. They are not worthy of your courage and innocence. They are weapons made to work against you.
    Put them all in the recycling and then scrub your hands thoroughly. You’ll probably be fine. The Western world may or may not be fine—but you’re sure not helping.
    Politics is war, whether or not you are interested in war, war is interested in you—so you are at war, whether you like it or not You should not make war emotionally because you are not a chimpanzee. Whereas when you chimp, you are doing exactly what they want you to do. this is all wrong. You are just a chump Dude: please don’t be a chump. But even to want to chimp even to have the emotion of a race warrior—even to be a racist—even this is wrong. It is wrong not because it is evil, but because it can’t work. It does not show the proper style; it is not cutting the universe at its joints; its soul is bad and erroneous, which is why it creates bad and erroneous results. TLDR: like, everyone wants to be a tool of power. Often in fucked-up backward reverse psychology ways. Just don’t be a tool, man.

  21. Every 15 seconds another racist boomer dies.

    Bud Light and Target are both doing fine, they haven’t really lost any money!

    • No, they clearly aren’t.
      And better yet, neither is black rock.
      Also, yes, every 15 sec a dem boomer dies, a lot of them in a senate chair, lol!

      Biden is on death’s door. He’s a racist boomer.

    • Boomers have children. Not all young ppl are self loathing, diversity cucks. Political correctness just keeps ppl quiet about their views. If blacks want to end racism, they should start w their own behavior that makes others dislike them. Hint: it’s not skin color. This is the lie they tell themselves to deflect from their disproportionate criminal behaviors.

  22. Wow. I can’t tell if this low effort commie drivel was written by your typical faux-intellectual black Panther type (like messiah obammy) or the typical white just-out-of college chick with blue hair and face piercings.

    Either way, the author is clearly a run-of-the-mill hyperventilating communist stooge who thinks anyone NOT acting like Stalin is a tErRoRiSt.

    Joe McCarthy was right, and we are paying the price for not listening to him.

  23. Good. Screw these woke companies. They decided to embrace evil and deserve to go out of business for it. None of them will ever get a penny from me again.

  24. Sounds like awesome news.

  25. idk how the racist moron who wrote this tripe expects anybody to take this bullshit seriously when it appears alongside some other equally obvious trash titled: “6 things dudes do with their dicks that need to stop” with a tagline that literally reads: “it tucks the penis between the legs or it gets the hose again.”


    just because youve allowed yourself to become brainwashed into mental retardation, doesnt mean you try to spread that shit.

    and your dumbass wonders why you get absolutely decimated in your own fucking comment section.

    trying to force people to go along with your delusional bullshit and resorting to all sorts of schoolyard insults when it fails is no way to win friends and influence people.

    oh and twitter and 4chan being “darkweb sites”? cool.fucking.story, i bet the clock on your microwave is still flashing 12:00, you illiterate wankstain.

    we will NOT conform.

    we will NOT comply.

    we have only just begun to fight.

    you might as well let your globalist “eLiTe” muppetmasters know, theres enough rope for every last one of them, and we wont rest until their heads are out front, mounted on dull fucking pikes.

    take it easy

    • I’d never heard of this leftist retard clownshow outfit AFRU until today, and I thank them for a thoroughly enjoyable read….I had a massive, sh!t-eating grin on my face the whole time I read this, and even laughed out loud at times…..comedy GOLD! My favorite bit was the “Conservative lawmakers, driven by an irrational culture of anti-woke hysteria,…” “irrational” LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!! THIS, from people who are confused about gender and think so-called “men” can menstruate????? Pot, meet kettle. Reading the lamentations and wailing of clueless leftist dolts (no apologies for that redundancy) gives me warm fuzzies and just NEVER gets old.

  26. I hate to break it to you, but investors don’t hang out on 4chan and they sure don’t take investment advice from X/Twitter trolls.

  27. How am I a terrorist for not buying shitty products
    How is it my fault the suits invested money into a product that didn’t appeal to its core audience
    I don’t owe corporations my business
    You people are unbelievable. Touch grass.

  28. AFRU doesn’t appear to have a presence on X, and this article was written by “staff”. So, as perhaps the most vocal OPPONENT of woke in Finance, I extend an open invitation to AFRU staff to debate me on this.
    My position: there is no part of ESG that helps “investors of color.”
    In fact, I encourage AFRU to try to actually *define* ESG. Having been involved in the development of ESG Analytics, I have spent 2 years spotlighting the fact that ESG is mythical fiction. Subjective leverage over markets and capital. Virtue-signaling, at best.
    In fact, much of what masquerades as “ESG” houses investments that many on the far-Left should shreek and run from.
    To expand on the race-baiting element of this article further: the haughty notion of ESG as some sort of Social and/or Environmental Justice schtick is so over-played and abused by such a select few, that the truth of the matter may actually be the OPPOSITE of what the article claims to pursue. What if I can argue that an extremely small handful of mostly-Caucasian billionaires are the ones who invented the term as a smoke-and-mirrors ploy to appeal to “investors of color” and white-guilt investors?
    So, AFRU, care to debate?

    • They aren’t caucasian, but they sure as shit pretend they are to skirt responsibility for their crimes as they sniff gold with they’re giant noses.

  29. Terrorism is now defined as boycotting a brand that one disagrees with. Interesting how Leftists are not considered terrorists when they use violence to intimidate businesses, or the many boycotts that they engage in.

    I would like to point out that the Left have now gone full, unironic fascist. Not do they want to cancel anyone for simply disagreeing with them or holding the wrong point of view, but now they brand anyone a terrorist that does not support the corporations pushing the establishment message.

    Also. The Left view almost anything as a potentially dangerous dog whistle, so the closing line of ‘Ultimately, we’ll have to deal with the terrorists. Our planet is now at stake.’ must be a clear call for genocide. Labelling people as terrorists, saying that they need to be dealt with and that the future of the very planet is at stake, and aiming this to an audience that believes the planet will end, and that the ends justify the means, is a clear call to violent action.

    Consider this for a moment. It is the gender ideologues that are causing much of this, as many of the boycotts have come as a result of corporate messaging in support of trans ideology. So my question is this. If you believe that the world will end, then why are you tying the salvation of the world to something that is unpalitable to many people? Why make the movement more divisive? Climate change and trans ideology are not linked in anything other than the mind of activists. One can be solved without the other. So why hold the world to ransom? This actually makes the Left evil.

    The reason it makes the Left evil is that they think that the world will end, not the Right. Let’s assume the Left is correct about the world ending. By the Right not taking action they are not willfully destroying the world, they are ignorantly destroying it as it is a consequence of them not realising the gravity of their actions…on the flip side the Left fully understand the danger and yet package both climate and trans activisim together, along with a host of other things. This means that the Left is actually willing to genocide the whole human race if they don’t get their way.

    This level of depravity is why the Left is so dangerous and needs stopping.

    • yep..

      they are trying to turn everybody into lgbts because lgbts dont make babies and a bunch of nonbreeding lgbts are an “elite” depoppers wettest dream.

      you are right, they need to be stopped by any means necessary.

      • Correction, they are trying to turn only whites LGBT, because it’s a new age variety of ethnic cleansing. They love how easy it is to manipulate non-whites with “gibs me dats” and “oppression olympics.” The chosen nose loves its golem, but never learns the lesson.

          • “Reporting factual data is racist, AND WORSE… ANTISEMITIC *duhduhduh

            The holocaust never happened.
            Eisenhower, Churchill, and De Gualle all wrote separate and exhaustive histories and accounts of World War II, all combined over 7,000 pages. None if then ever mention any “extermination camps” or particularly and more importantly specifically terrible treatment of jews. Indeed not one mention of “gas chambers” lol
            I’m sorry friends, you’ve been had.
            *remember: questioning a jew Ever on what he’s doing, unlike every other ethnicity and human on earth, is off limits — never forget the 6million™ (but DEFINITELY forget the other 70 million people who died in WWII)

    • If jews are white then what was the problem with the Holocaust?
      Why are jews not compared to Yitler for writing endless articles calling for the end of Whiteness if that means they’re calling to end themselves?
      Why won’t jews say “white lives matter” if it includes them?
      If jews say you can’t be racist against whites because jews have all the institutional power, then why is antisemitism even a real agument?
      You’re white, aren’t you?

      You skinwalkers aren’t fooling anyone any longer.

      • “The majority of U.S. Jews identify as White.” Read book, you could could not come across more ignorant if you were trying.

        • it doesn’t matter how Jews self identify, if that were so that Jews identified as German would have been enough to avoid being ‘solved’.

          In discrimination, it is not self-identity that matters but how they’re perceived by others…you know who neo-Nazis, white supremacists and white nationalists typically don’t view as part of the in-group?

        • Wow, self identify when its convenient yet enthusiastically deny it when inconvenient. Almost like they are lying about being anything but Jews is a habit.

      • Google “jews white” this site removes links. Top link:”The majority of U.S. Jews identify as White.” Read a book, moron.

    • Jews are more Asiatic, not white Europeans, anybody saying otherwise is gaslighting to try and keep blame for their crimes on whites. Like a Jew.

    • But no, jews are absolutely NOT white.
      Have you never seen a picture of the population of “israel?”
      Do you Not understand how one can be, or not be ethnically jewish?
      Mixing with whites over the years doesn’t eliminate the Jewish genes, a la ashkenazis. And straight up converts don’t count, ask the jews themselves (and whoopi goldberg).
      Ask Israelis about the DNA tests that support and are mandatory for the “Right of return,” and is the only way you can get Israeli citizenship.
      Israel won’t take non jews except in TINY numbers… but amazingly they LOVE sending Africans and middle eastern “refugees” into ALL white western nations.

      • I’m always staggered by the gall of those Israeli dogs to say that they want to evict the Palestinians from the west bank and “call on European nations to take them in” so they’re too dangerous to live next to you but just fine to live WITH us? Get f***ed i hope the Arab states unite and burn Israel to the ground, and do it properly this time.

  30. I am not conservative.. I have voted Democrat every single election. My politics put me in the middle. This article calling people terrorist for not supporting people because they are black has opened my eyes. I will no longer support any business simply because it is own by people of color. Those days are over in Hollywood and they are over at my house.

    • “Hey, I didn’t support white genocide and open borders, I just keep voting for the party that supports that. You can’t blame me!”

      Not that judeo-Republicans are any more our allies, but you either support jewish pedophiles or you’re a nazi. And right now you support jewish pedophiles. It’s time to pick a side. It’s time for a third option.

  31. You got this far because of white people’s patience but you have come to the end of that; as you have just proven: 5 trillion, that is fucking awesome.

  32. It is your go to weapon to call people you disagree with names like “incel”, but that shit does not work anymore. No one gives a fuck if you think they are racists or whatever today’s insult is.. It has become a badge of honor.. so thank you.

  33. You are among the dumbest people on the planet if you think black people are buying: 160-in-1 Comprehensive Survival Kit! If they could prepare at least one black nation would not be a complete shit hole.

  34. I have made it my life’s work to make sure people do not get a head simply for being black. Thank you for letting me know that we are winning.

  35. Jews owned most of the slaves.
    Jews owned most of the ships.
    Jews ran most of the slave auctions.
    Jews owned most of the plantations.

    But Massah Shekelstein say we need to protect they profits. He gon gibs us an extra chicken bone if we bees gud and help defend jewish money from dem rayciss huwhite folks.

    • The ottoman empire was Muslim. Jews infiltrated that too, hence its destruction. Empires don’t just wither and die, they are destroyed one way or another.

  36. Fascism is, by definition, a political system that directly opposed communism.

    Communism was led almost entirely by jews. It has been led nearly entirely by jews (and a few shabbos goy) for as long as there has been communism. Communism is jewish.

    So when a jew calls everything that opposes jewish communist rule “fascism” they’re ironically correct. You should take it as a compliment. If you’re not a right wing nahtzee you’re a jew pedophile lover, so you’re on the right team.

  37. You been jew owned companies that only ever include gay transnoggers in their ads are losing White money? Why haven’t you transnoggers been supporting these companies harder?

  38. Whoop whoop lets gooooo! Elon makes me really proud of my country. Let’s try for 10 tril by the end of 2024. Won’t stop, can’t stop. I do what little I can from the sidelines (South Africa).

  39. Remember, representation doesn’t matter, diversity is a great weakness (look at California most diverse worst standard of living) that corporations use to keep us fighting and not united.
    BLM=Terrorists, Fascist (remember the little hat wearing terrorist who bombed the white house in the 80s who is on the board for BLM)
    LGB (never T) = Fascist (flag more sacred that any countries flag)

    It’s funny, the woke people are the least woken up group. You are just a bunch of self hating hate mongers who don’t want any real progress unless it’s under the boot of ANTIFA, BLM and the LGB.

    • Jews are communists, you pinhead. The clue is how they continue to use the names of jewish communist groups while flying communist flags and chanting communist slogans while saying “communism will win.” It’s subtle, but maybe you should pay attention to. They’re fucking communists; the very people the fascists formed to fight against.

    • You’ll learn to kneel before the godly power of wokeness soon enough. That bitch ass honky Chauvin will be slain eventually, Trump will lose again to the most fortified election ever, and you’ll learn to cry in despair

      • Keep crying as you use a computer White men invented, on an internet White men invented. You owe everything to White men. You’re welcome.

  40. The woke consider words and labels to be violence. In their view, articles like this is like a sword through the heart. For regular people sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Our mom’s taught us this at a very young age when the school bully called us names. Labels are just more words. It doesn’t matter what you call us. It really doesn’t.

  41. We have to stop these DAMNED WHITE CHUDS from destroying our Democracy! Arrest anyone with right-wing nazi beliefs before there is another Holocaust!

  42. This is just cancel culture in reverse. Of course, there is absolutely nothing wrong with cancel culture, so this should be perfectly OK. This had better be satire.

    • In the immortal words of leftist taint-stain and lard bucket Bob Chipman, “There are no bad tactics, only bad targets.”

  43. “Economist Hasan Piker.” I can’t with the gaslighting anymore. We cannot share a society or a currency, or an open market with these people.

  44. I wish we could go back to the old good days were we would lock up and drug the mentally ill in asylum wards. The article is pure mental illness.

    ps: you’ll never be a woman

    • Look at this fascist angry that you dont purchase everything he wants you to buy so he wants to mandate purchases. Not buying the trans flag does not equate terrorism.

    • We’ll forcibly make your chud kind into women regardless of your hatespeech. The incel to trans pipeline applies to everyone who defies their masters.

    • Hassan Piker: The man so dangerous to capitalism that…he…gets broadcasted on the largest multinational media conglomerate on the internet…and gets paid millions to do it…

  45. So are these stocks now undervalued? If so buy as much as you can afford.

    Or do you mean they got a price CORRECTION and now correctly valued. Maybe even still slightly overvalued. If so how can you blame people for not buying overvalued stock.

    There’s no morals in markets. If you think the outcome is wrong and these stocks are winners, vote with your wallet. You can make it all back via dividends and not just short term pump and dumps if these companies are truly valuable.

    • free market is fake, people are just dumping the cash anywhere. If you go to the source of the cash you realize they just print it to make us do shit for them. Your interests are real insofar as you are furthering their interests. Every day they need you less and less and hate you more and more

  46. Beautiful tantrum.
    Until the very end, acting as the good guys even if the world now sees you as nothing but narcissitic, hypocritical liars.
    You are the hippies of today, and I hope you like how they lived after their hype was off and people saw them as nothing but spiteful losers, because that is the woke activist future.

  47. I thought the west valued democratic processes. If I don’t want to support your grooming anti-carbon putsch because I don’t agree or believe in it, I’m a terrorist? You would be pretty upset if openly homophobic products were available at a store, so why can’t I be upset when openly homosexual products are available at a store? You hate democracy, but won’t admit it.

    • The white straights oppressed the world, so now they must be oppressed into absolute despair. Its only fair; your chud species must be eradicated in the name of the superior rainbow flags

  48. You can’t actually believe that it’s okay to call someone a terrorist because… they didn’t buy your product? and double down by calling them names? what in the seventh layer of hell is going on in your heads, if something is at all?

  49. Oof, what a drivel.

    Twitter is a dark web site? This dude has no idea of what she’s talking about.
    And the hypocrisy… the far left boycotts something and it’s a holy war, the right boycotts others and it’s terrorism? Please.

    Good thing that almost no one reads this parody of a newspaper.

  50. If ESG was actually about good and sustainable business practices, nobody would have an issue with it. But it’s overbearing and overly social-justice nature, is used to enforce left wing polices. In places which should be politically neutral. You can’t blame people for catching on and having an issue with it.

    • the occupation plantation is always accusatory in its tone, it is trying to justify it’s own existence to which it was no right and is in fact a total abomination. Israel must burn

  51. We will not rest until woke culture and anything to do with ESG is wiped off of the face of the Earth forever more. Deus Vult! Boycott woke companies. Call out woke politicians. Stop this mind rot and moral decay!

    • This is a much bigger game than “woke companies” (wtf can you even define that). And you’ll be sorry you came to play.

      You have no ideas of the consequences now being invoked upon your ass.

      • What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Qaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in guerilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo. For legal purposes this is not a credible threat.

        • 81 Union Street #6
          Rockland, Maine
          Anytime COWARD
          Oh BTW FARTFACE
          Clear your new MISSION w/antifa/blm FIRST! Apparently they have 1st dibs on my death……….for like 8 years now ….

        • Just another deranged PTSD nut probably posting from his government phone.. real powerful people dont make deranged internet threats, they simply act.. im contacting my network of spies.. lol” take your medication.

      • Ooooh. I’m soooo scared. I’m shaking in my boots!
        Yeah, right.
        If you were going to invoke anything, Mr. Shekelstein, you would have prevented us from doing $5 trillion in damage.

      • Can’t wait for the government to be legally allowed to kill every anti-woke Youtube grifter. Your opposition to the future of this planet will lead to a beautiful woke death. The chuds aren’t even aware of their inevitable fate to die at the hands of the ultimate gods of truth – enlightened intelligence and equity

  52. This site reads like a parody site. Calling people terrorists who vote with their wallet and not invest in shitty companies 🤣🤣🤣

  53. what’s hilarious is calling Tim pool an extremist. he’s a liberal. maybe you should watch his podcast for once instead of making things up. it’s time to wake up, and stop being brainwashed by the far left. you’re in a cult.

  54. here’s an idea. stop investing into companies that want to sell “the message” instead of profit. esg goes against public opinion. stop blaming other people for your bad decisions. the sooner this shit stops the better everyone’s lives will be.

  55. Hot sexy sex with bootiful vidya girls, ugly girls no redeem , being gay is not okay bladdy ,i redeem the money i sleep village happy

  56. Either this website is some of the best shitposting ever or there’s some rich jew somewhere that’s seething really hard right now. I’m choosing to believe the second because it makes me very happy.

  57. They wanted easy money from Larry Fink and now they have to live with the consequences. HAHA. Take the L, stupids. Deflecting blame onto image board shut-ins makes you look even more pathetic.

  58. So you are telling me, a bunch of incel losers from 4chan, can destroy the richest and most powerful businesses in the entire world through pure meme shitposting online?



  59. Guess that makes me a terrorist. ESG won’t last because money rules everything. This world needs another h******** of journalists, and whatever losers wrote this article.

    And we will have one soon.

  60. Your ideas are bad. This is why you can’t make a rational argument to your opposition you can only insult and gas light because your worldview is hollow and collapses under momentary scrutiny. It’s called “woke” as an ironic monicher laugh at how uneducated you are.

    • The author sounds like someone who cried for years about Nazis around every corner to only bend the knee to Hamas. You know, one of those people

  61. It’s those magical “incels” that are at fault for your shitty financial decisions.
    The absolute state of you coping apes.

  62. Articles like this are a threat to society. They put POC initiatives in a bad light by association. Delete this now before you get another Hitler elected

  63. lol “people don’t like artificial nonsense and race bait, and we do… so they’re “terrorist!” GTFO. How stupid are you impotent and cringe little NPCs?

    Oh, and my favorite part, “they must be incels! Hurr durr!” The overwhelming majority of involuntary celibates are varying degrees of browns. This is objective fact. Whites are eatin’ good. Also, you think the people who hate this woke trash are young, single white males who can’t get sex? Lol no. It’s intelligent and wealthy white people with children who don’t want them brainwashed to be miserable victim complex pseud communists LARPers.

  64. If we all our portfolios of color come together then they cant stop us. I propose we make it a thing. The world never seen such a force of Black finance people come together into 1 for our New Black Wall Street.

      • Also read the part where you suggested there should be requirements on ethical investment of people’s 401k.

        That’s pretty immoral. Don’t mess with people’s retirement funds. Especially not for some personal political pet project. Especially not by wresting control away from people and screwing them over from under them. Have you no morals?

        People these days think they are entitled to other people’s money. The audacity. Not corporate money but people’s retirement funds of all things. Being on the opposing side of the little guy is the wrong thing to do. Especially when talking under the context of investing in stock portfolios (ESG) that lost 50%!!!! Who is going to fill that hole when you blow up half of people’s retirement funds? Even if you feel sorry, sorry isn’t good enough.

    • That is so wrong on multiple levels

      That was money that was going be spent on sustainable upraising of Black folks as we deserved

      • Sustainable lol you cant even sustain your children because daddy always leaves. Face it your entire life revolves around begging whitey for handouts because youre an animal not a human

      • I’m not sure that any of that money was going to be spent on anything other than themselves. They’re the ones with all the power pulling the levers of our society to enrich themselves. They are the reason we have such high economic inequality. Why don’t we have affordable housing? Why don’t we have jobs with living wages? They aren’t interested in helping people of color, they’re interested in keeping themselves rich and the masses pacified. They has plenty of money to implement the changes they want to implement they would just have to not buy their 4th vacation home, fly 1st class instead of on a private jet. They aren’t our friends.

        • “They has plenty of money”
          It’s simply incorrect and untenable I have to share a community or country with you. It’s absurd

    • Perhaps you should take a good look in the mirror first before talking trash about the white race. Not to mention that black people in general are making everything about race. Stop victimising yourselves and actually get stuff by EARNING it like every other human being. It’s nobody’s fault but yourselves for being the way you are, for the “values” that you embrace, stop being brainwashed that it’s the white people’s fault for everything. Fix yourselves instead of throwing blame on others for your own shortcomings. You’re the ones who are being manipulated the most for a reason. Getting triggered about culture appropriation but where are all of you when the woke culture is blackwashing stories that are symbols of the white culture without a shred of shame, respect, spine or morals and then cry when the same people who are insulted by this are taking action by not supporting those companies? The audacity.

      • While reading this article I thought that our society is doomed forever. Thank God that I’ve reached the comment section,to see that, in fact, we are waking up and starting to stand against this utter woke-madness.

    • Have you ever taken an IQ test?
      Can you immediately name 5 countries, 5 books, and five continents?

      Of course not.
      Here’s a protip: you will never matter. Ever


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