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How do we prevent discrimination against the vaccinated? They trusted the science. Because of their bravery, they survived Covid. Now experts are sounding the alarm about an emerging new threat vector: a virulent hate movement targeting vaccinated folks.

As the world begins to recover from the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, experts are sounding the alarm about an emerging new threat vector: an actual hate movement targeting vaccinated folks.

In unmoderated and far right extremist havens like 4chan and Rumble, antivaxxers calling themselves “purebloods” are now openly flaunting their hatred towards those who took the shot by gloating about their supposed early vaccine-related deaths — a totally debunked conspiracy theory heavily adjacent to “Q” beliefs.

This new breed of anti-vaxxer doesn’t bother to feign much of an illusion of being the good guy. They spend their time spreading vile misinformation about the “clot shots” directly to the vaccinated, hoping to induce anxiety and terror in the very people who chose to protect themselves and their communities. Even major influencers are getting in on the bullying.

Anti-vaxx hatred is increasingly also spilling over into real life, with reports coming out of vaccinated individuals being shunned and ostracized, or even targeted with harassing taunts. Some have even lost their jobs or faced other forms of institutional discrimination as anti-vaxxers in positions of power want to play out some kind of sick and childish game of tit-for-tat.

New threats are emerging at the tail end of the worst pandemic since the Black Death. Photo courtesy of Michelle V. Agins/The New York Times.

This behavior is not only reprehensible, it’s downright dangerous. The vaccines have undergone rigorous testing and have been proven to be safe and effective in preventing serious illness and death from Covid-19. Vaccines (and subsequent boosters) are a critical tool in the fight against the pandemic, and everyone (regardless of their vaccination status) stands to benefit from their widespread use.

The falsehood of “reverse discrimination”

Some unvaccinated individuals, when called out for their burgeoning hate campaign, claim that they are the ones being discriminated against. This odd claim is usually made by stringing together isolated cases of businesses or events requiring proof of vaccination to grant access to their private events, and claiming an overarching anti-Semitic conspiracy known as the “Great Reset.” They also frequently invoke the idea that the vaccines contained 5g microchips that will bar them from entering heaven.

Related: Five Covid-19 vaccine false theories – debunked — BBC

But the argument is inherently flawed and ignores the fact that there is no such thing as the debunked concept of “reverse discrimination.” The unvaccinated are the ones engaged in hate campaigns from dark and hateful corners of the internet associated with white supremacy. The unvaccinated are by default the oppressors, and the vaccinated are the oppressed.

The conspiracy theory about discrimination against the unvaccinated appears to stem from the Republican Party, who in 2021 pushed misinformed bills to ban “discrimination against the unvaccinated.”

Let’s be crystal clear about this: the unvaccinated are not the ones facing discrimination and hate; it is the vaccinated who are the targets of online hate and real-life discrimination.

A path to healing

So how do we prevent discrimination against the vaccinated as the world heals from the worst pandemic since the Black Death?

One solution is to continue to educate the public, and in particular children, about the safety and effectiveness of the health measures that were taken to combat the virus. Dispelling myths and misinformation in future generations before they have time to germinate is crucial in combating the rise of future hate movements built on misinformation.

We also need businesses and organizations to recognize their responsibility in taking a stand against all forms of discrimination, and to establish policies that protect vaccinated individuals from the whims or taunts of the unvaccinated. This includes requiring proof of vaccination to access areas likely to contain vaccinated workers, and taking action against any individuals who engage in any level of hate speech.

It is also crucial for government and health officials to continue to promote the importance of vaccination and to make the vaccines and boosters widely and freely available to all. Everyone must receive the opportunity to be immunized and boosted against the virus. The more effectively we ensure this social good, the better we can reduce the number of unvaccinated bodies who might otherwise fester into a more coordinated political movement built on resentment. Initiatives such as vaccine passports can also limit the logistics and coordination of potential harmful terroristic activities like the mass Trucker attack in Canada.

Discrimination against the vaccinated is a harmful and destructive force that hinders the progress of our society by targeting the very best among us for ostracization and marginalization. Ultimately, preventing discrimination against the vaccinated requires a collective effort from all of us. We must stand up against hate and work together to cherish and protect the good and altruistic among us who chose to protect themselves and their communities.

Sorry, Afrunauts! While 85% of you are wonderful people, the other 25% were far too frequently brigades and troll farms. Their abusive comments have traumatized our moderators, and so we can't allow comments until we have built an ethical way to address the troll problem. If you feel the calling and you have familiarized yourself with what is and isn't free speech, you can still email us your scribbles. If your feedback is excellent, we may manually add it!
PS. The A Black Woman Is Speaking mug is a standing invitation to sit down, shut up, and engage in the wisdom shared by Black women. Lord knows the world needs it right now.

7 thoughts on “<span class="entry-title-primary">How do we prevent discrimination against the vaccinated?</span> <span class="entry-subtitle">They trusted the science. Because of their bravery, they survived Covid. Now experts are sounding the alarm about an emerging new threat vector: a virulent hate movement targeting vaccinated folks.</span>”

  1. This is nonsense! The unvaccinated were silenced and cut off. Now you try to lie again? It is your own fault and you know it. Get a life and move on! – As far as you come before you faint! Such a cheek to come like this shows what a depraved Nazi wrote this article. Discrimination against unvaccinated people, I’m not laughing! And are you still calling for vaccination passports? Are you schizophrenic or what is wrong with you?

  2. Name one vaccinated person who lost their job and livelihood due to a medical decision that Human Resources, Upper Management, State Government, Health Board decided for them.
    I did my research, I decided no. I had conviction. I got prepared to lose my job. Which meant no whining, paying off big ticket items and streamlining the budget. I don’t regret my decision, even though the job I have now is less than 1/3 of the pay and benefits of my previous job. It is interesting that those that tried silence us and shame us and took our livelihood are now trying to play the victim.
    I have GB of video that show what was being done in the name of “science”. Doctor’s who tried to speak out were censored, fired, arrested, families threatened for trying to wake people up to the atrocity that was the “vaccines”.
    I have sympathy for anyone who has been harmed. I have two family relatives who did not listen, got it and one is now dead from cancer. The other is struggling to live with cancer. There are other family members who have unexplained new health issues. But, they all believed the “science” and the lies by the gov’t and the idiot box (TV and/or phone). If you look somewhere besides the youtubes, facebooks, googles, bings, ABC/NBC/CBS/Fox, CNN, you will find the truth and not the media lies.
    My wife went into the hospital for “Covid” and they fed her Remdesivir for three treatments before I could find out the skinny about that poison. I got her out of there and she recovered from home. She then started having issue with her “sugar”. It attacked her pancreas. It found a weak spot and attacked it. She is better now because of prayer.
    So, do not think that ALL unvaccinated people are glad for the vaccinated’s new or worsened health issues. The VAST majority of us knew that the “cure” was gonna be worse than the disease and DID try to warn our families and friends.

  3. Don’t blame us for your ignorance. All you had to do was ask yourself “have they ever made a vaccine in such a short period of time before?” Of course not. Now you are paying the price. The dead jabbed are piling up, and even the stupid are starting to notice.

  4. This article really hits home. I will confess right here on this widely-read website that I am one of the haters. I have been discriminating against the vaxxed for a long time, and I would like to make up for it somehow. I have considered a public apology on a local billboard or in the classified ads of our widely-read newspaper here. The problem is that I don’t think I can reach anyone. They’re all dead.

  5. In general, this topic is one that needs to be handled with more care than I feel your article presented. As a woman who does not divulge her personal medical information, as a woman who chose to not wear a mask after learning that the masks can only mitigate spread IF the wearer is ill, I have been bullied, vilified, threatened.

    I was surrounded at a grocery store while with my children, people screaming and cursing at me. My children were crying, terrified. I come from a large community of likeminded people and many people I know experienced similar things.

    My entire family is vaccinated and wore masks. Many close friends too. They will all acknowledge that the bullying was being carried out by vaccinated and masked people and the “outcasts” were on the receiving end.

    Your article is ignoring all of the information that has more recently been released whereby the medical community is acknowledging that the way in which this pandemic was handled was one of the largest global medical errors of our lifetime. Prominent medical professionals are speaking out stating that they messed up, that the vaccine did not work, that the vaccine has caused far more damage than protection.

    Those who chose to get vaccinated are SCARED. Athletes are dropping dead every other day. Rates of young and healthy people having strokes has sky rocketed. It IS scary, I completely understand. And if vaccinated people are getting bullied, that’s terrible. No one should be judged for their personal
    Medical decisions. Many close friends of mine admit that they are terrified and regret getting vaccinated. Unfortunately, many people are in this uncomfortable and compromising position now. Your article does not portray this, rather will create FURTHER divide amongst people.

    Thank you for listening,


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