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Fired for his act of love in the senate Aidan Maese-Czeropski's act was symbolic and brave, because in a world full of hate, displays of love are rebellious. We shouldn't bend over to a party that hates; we must do the opposite.

So, it’s official. Senator Ben Cardin’s office has told Politico that “Aidan Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by the US Senate.” Goaded by demagogic republicans, the Capitol police has now also opened an investigation.

As republicans pounce on an opportunity to destroy young activist Aidan Maese-Czeropski, the discourse around the senate hearing room love display raises serious questions about the ongoing challenges faced by the LGBTQ community.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve already seen the viral video making the rounds on every social media feed there is. Republicans just can’t stop watching the 8 second clip featuring two men embracing each other in love while you can briefly see an empty room in the background.

It turns out one of the lovemaking men was Aidan Maese-Czeropski, and the room was recognized by some as the senate hearing room.

We get it. It’s the most important room in America. It was in this very room that Sonia Sotomayor herself had her confirmation hearing, and won despite an entire oligarchy reorienting itself to wipe her out. This is also where James Comey exposed the Russian interference in the 2016 elections, to the chagrin of the treason party.

But in a world built on hate, displays of love are inherently rebellious. Every second that Aidan and his partner made love in the halls of power was pregnant with poignant meaning.

And in a time when the LGBTQ community is under existential threat by white fragility feeling threatened, open displays of LGBTQ culture are necessarily brave. In some ways, Aidan’s act mirrored that of Anne Frank, who dared to express her honest thoughts and feelings even as she hid from rabid insurrectionist-style death squads.

The dismissal has sparked a familiar conversation about the boundaries of personal expression and the repercussions faced by those who challenge the status quo. But because Aidan is from the LGBTQ community, he could stand to lose so much more than money, reputation, or career.

Let’s recognize the fallout from the incident for what it is: a stochastic far right attack on gay rights activists. As republicans fire up their hate machine in preparation for the 2024 elections, Aidan’s very life is now on the line. Let’s not fool ourselves. Right-wing attacks will scream with ever increasing pitch from darkweb radio stations and social media channels until some insurrectionist nutjob picks up a gun and the intended consequences have become fait accompli.

TikTok users are praising Aidan’s act of love in the halls of power.

Now more than ever, we need to circle the wagons around Aidan Maese-Czeropski, and say with a unison voice:

Aidan’s termination by Senator Ben Cardin is an affront to individual freedoms, as it sends a chilling message about the consequences of expressing love in a public, political space.

Aidan’s prosecution by the Capitol police is blatant political corruption and weaponization of justice against a marginalized person.

Aidan’s persecution by right-wing nutbars writ large is a threat to his life and the life of every LGBTQ individual in this country.

This cannot stand. The fight has just begun.

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PS. The A Black Woman Is Speaking mug is a standing invitation to sit down, shut up, and engage in the wisdom shared by Black women. Lord knows the world needs it right now.

167 thoughts on “<span class="entry-title-primary">Fired for his act of love in the senate</span> <span class="entry-subtitle">Aidan Maese-Czeropski's act was symbolic and brave, because in a world full of hate, displays of love are rebellious. We shouldn't bend over to a party that hates; we must do the opposite.</span>”

  1. im actually bawling yall think its ok to have gay sex while literally in the senate room thing. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!! 🗣️🗣️

  2. Looking at the seething in the comments here I am so glad that you have upset the homophobic crowd. It makes me very happy 😃!!!

    • I don’t care about ANYONE’S sexuality
      I doesn’t matter to me.

      However, if two heterosexual people, one a staffer, had been videoing themselves “showing” their love for each other in THAT room, they too should get FIRED! It wasn’t about JUST the act it was AT WORK, in one of the most important MEETING ROOMS on our country!

      Where does ANYONE work that they can do something like this in the room where the Board of Directors for your employers meet!? AND not only film it. But also postn it and BRAG about it!?

      WTH is wrong with people!?

  3. This has got to be like, some sort of troll post to get people to dislike *that* community even more.

    I refuse anyone can be so disturbed and so proudly so too.

    • As for myself, I think he set a good example. Finally congressmen are screwing each other instead of the public.

      This reminds me of the old cartoon once gay sex was legalized in Britain so long as it was between consenting adults in private. A policeman tells two men in bed: “adults you are, consenting you may well be, but that still leaves the issue that you’re in Piccadilly Circus…”

  4. From AFRU – About Us: AFRU is funded in part by Google LLC, the Ford Foundation, and the Kingdom of Norway.
    I wonder what the sponsors think about Ann Frank comparison.
    I hope the corporate sponsors are happy with the product they helped produce.

  5. Author didn’t take credit for this because it is quite literally the most moronic article to have been published on the internet. Only place this belongs is on the Babylon Bee or The Onion.

  6. Sorry. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. Arrest. Prosecute. Jailtime. Sexual offender status. He did this for the notoriety. Well, he got it. Enjoy the baby batter in prison.

    • Facts. This is a disgusting sex act filmed in the senate…. gay straight trans whatever it’s nasty and dude thing man should be blocked from holding any public office and become a lawn mower or something. That’s so nasty. And i thought the biden admin couldn’t get any lower when a trans thing with fake tits flashed itself on the lawn of the white house. Disgusting administration.

    • Anne Frank? WTF? This is so bad so backward and so stupid I feel dumber for having read it. It would be more offensive if it wasn’t so moronic and absurd.

    • couple of thoughts.
      this dude and his boyfriend will love prison
      where they will rectaly stretched out daily
      do people actually get paid to write this
      just the fact this moron reporter thought
      to make a deranged comparisson between
      the ann frank and this hershy packer fired
      senate aid makes it known this writer is
      and extremist left wing mentally ill person
      who is a blatant antisemite

  7. Really? Aidan’s act mirrored that of Anne Frank! I’m not surprised the nut-job author of this amazingly crappy article decided to hide their name. I’m glad this sicko lost his job. Good riddance to this pervert!

    • He has unprotected anal sex. What do you think his tag line of “bareback slut” meant?
      So you support the potential spread of AID’s ? And the imbeciles behind the AFRU, do you also have unprotected sex?
      Do you AFRU also support the spread of HIV and AIDs ? Huh AFRU?
      I demand you immediatly retract this article, and then issue a condemnation of the “bareback slut” and his dangerous sexual habits.

    • You must support monkey pox that the unclean gay community was spreading too. Disgusting act of sex in a senate chamber… both should be behind bars.

  8. Who ever wrote this piece is as mentally ill as these two idiots. Not only do they justify this nasty garbage, but they still think Trump colluded with Russia. LMAO @ LGBTQ IDIOTS like this. Just read the comments, so many LGBTQ folks commenting on how stupid you are and these two “Lovers” were. Maybe you should go write for the Babylon Bee because that’s what this sounds like.

    • Facts the Trump Russia thing was debunked so many times but idiot low iq democrat liberals parrot it like the good animals they are. I’ve never seen a more ignorant stupid voter base than the modern day liberal democrat.

  9. I’m thankful they shit-canned this queer. There will be a reckoning — the Left has done tangible damage to our society. We must defeat the Left and we must destroy the Left.

  10. How very gross and disrespectful to desecrate the Senate the way this guy did. They did the right thing by firing him. Hope no one else tries it, they will be fired, too, if they do.

  11. Isn’t it sick how they make this romantic, when they were just tearing one off because they’re privileged and thought it would be naughty.

  12. If only Anne Frank hadn’t been caught scissoring in the Reichstag, then the holocaust would have never happened ….

    Author are you mentally ill or just unbelievably stupid?

  13. i mean, who did they hurt really? literally no one. the only people complaining about this are racist homophobes who were A-OK with Trump banging hookers (Melania and others) in the white house. smh

    • I am not afraid of homos, you stupid entitled pig. The damage that is being done to our society by celebrating such deviancy is a tangible thing. Educate yourself, you dipshit.

    • For one thing, that’s an outrageous claim that you don’t even hear on the farthest of the left. You’re off a cliff. Second, try having gratuitous sex at work in the room next to your boss, filming it, and then purposely posting it for everyone to see and see how that works out for you.

      You have got to be just as morally degenerate and critically stupid as this author.

    • Actually I think almost everyone has an issue with this even people on the left its only the degenerates on the far left who are claiming its okay and oh now Trump had hookers in the white house? LMFAO! If that were true that would have been all over the media for a year straight! You have to make stuff up so you can stick up for this. No one should be having sex in that room, in that building no matter if it was gay or straight sex

    • Link the article where Trump banged a hooker and filmed it in the white house. I’ll wait. Oh there’s nothing because you’re a fucking idiot democrat who supports the worst administration and people on earth. Fucking disgusting moron, go crawl back under the rock where you live.

    • Duplicate
      Exactly like something else.
      Seems you all need a dictionary as well. Not a duplicate comment. Sick stuff! I thank God for all the comments from people who feel the same as I do about this stupidity.

  14. Don’t have sex in public spaces, don’t get fired for having sex in public spaces. I’m a lifelong queer and this is ridiculous. If I had sex in my workplace, I would also expect to be fired. I don’t understand how that’s not obvious.

  15. LOL. The world of the Left has gone so far afield that normally aware people toss their sense of humor and social discernment and take this essay as written in earnest. It’s satire, folks. You’re not seeing it because, as unbelievably outrageous it is, it looks like other actual writings from the far Left. This writer gave you some hints – like leaving the plus off the end of the alphabet soup. No leftist would dare do that, let alone one at this level of advocacy. I got a laugh out of it.

    • Man, I hope it is but then Afru would have to be a satire website, right?

      I mean, at this point it doesn’t even matter because the left actually is this insane. This is the SECOND story like this in 2 weeks.

    • Aiden like to have unprotected anal sex with anonymous partners. You know, a “bareback slut”
      So you support the continued spread of AID’s thru bareback sex with anonymous partners?
      You think it’s “powerful” to infect unsuspecting partners with potential death?
      You want to “collaborate” on other means to spread AIDs and HIV around the world. What a humanitarian you are….

      Try to think a little instead of instinctively kneejerking in support of your ‘tribe’

  16. From the masthead:

    “We also realize that people don’t want to be preached to all the time.”

    Hoo boy. I’ve got to stop reading now. My doctor has put me on a low-irony diet.

  17. Anne Frank? Really? YOU would have cheered the Nazis on when they murdered her. You are despicable. Just another reason I will never vote for another democrat and I used to be one. No I am not a republican.

  18. It had zero to do with his being gay, and everything to do with breaking several rules. Including having unauthorized people in that room. Not to mention the fact it was tacky at best.

  19. I’m gay and what the fuck is wrong with you? If Clinton was shamed for doing something with Lewinsky, neither this can be considered fucking okay. Like damn, have some fucking shame for yourself.

  20. Why are gay people so childish, juvenile and promiscuous? Damn near every single gay friend or relative I have acts and speaks childish.

    • Men are kind of childish writ-large.. not in a bad way or anything, but yeah. Without women to keep them in line and a family to provide for, men end up in bad shape, chasing their most base desires without any guardrails..

    • Because the current generation of gays has been groomed since middle school to think the world needs to love accept and bend to their every desire and want. They are disgustingly childish people doing disgustingly childing acts.

  21. I’m not saying that everyone in favor of legalizing public sex is a pedophilic groomer of children… but if you made a Venn diagram of those two groups… there would be A LOT of overlap 😂

    • All jokes aside, I’m dead serious. If you believe that public sex in a Senate room is somehow a stand for “justice”, there is a very good chance that you are so sexually deviant that you believe “age is just a number.”

  22. Just when I think El-Gibbity-Queue is done digging, you actually, unironically, compare a Hamas-supporting, rabidly Anti-Semitic pervert to Anne Frank… Wow. Just… Wow…

  23. Comparing public indecency to the Holocaust is absolutely despicable. It would be just as wrong if a heterosexual couple made a porno in that Senate hearing room. There’s a time and place for sex: in the privacy of your own home and on your own time. This was a leaked video, it was not intended to go public, and it certainly was not a brave act of protest. These are two exhibitionists who have no respect for the so-called “Temple of Democracy”. Stop acting like he’s some victim of the system because he belongs to the Rainbow People. The staffer knew he would be in deep shite if he got caught… I guess that’s his fetish 🤷‍♂️. This is a classic case of F around and find out.

  24. Yeah, as a gay man, f—ing in public isn’t a cause I’m going to take up, and not a hill I’m willing to die on. Give me a break, this shit is why people hate us. And “love making”? How heteronormative. He had access to a Senate hearing room and wanted to show off to his trick. lol.

    • Don’t let it worry you.
      Giving it to fellow Americans in the b utt is what democrat politics are all about.
      Gay, straight, young, old, male ,female or most livestock.
      It’s what they do.

  25. You sick disgusting degenerate fucks. These cowardly writers need to be wiped off the face of the earth. Too ashamed of their despicable nauseating satanic beliefs that they will not even post their names to the article they write. Leave my beautiful country founded by Christians

  26. Do it in private. Who says they both want this out there 10 years from now? What are you teaching young people? What’s normal behavior in public?
    Are you saying the Chinese House of Power is better? Name me a BIG country that allows public sex in government spaces….

  27. The fact hat you insane monkeys compared this godless amoral sodomite heathen homosexual to a heroic and innocent Anne Frank just shows how stupid, dense, clueless, delusional, and entirely F’d up in the head you obtuse morons are. I could not care less if these two ADULT men want to have sex, hell have an orgy w/25 other gay, lesbian, bi & straight folks for all I care, just don’t perform your sex acts in public. For F”s sake, rent a hotel room, rent an Airbnb, or go to your house or apartment and then proceed pound, suck, lick, spit, nibble, suck some more and f*ck away with as many or as few consenting ADULTS as you can handle. You “journalists” at this rag need to F*ck right off and jump off huge, tall, deep, vertical, jagged rocky deadly cliff.

    • Thank you for summarizing this depraved, sick, and frankly disgusting behavior. Every adjective, verb, noun and expletive is spot on! The chutzpah of invoking Anne Frank to justify this piece of trash demonstrates that the progressive sodomite left will say anything to support their agenda.

      Whoever wrote this excrement probably went to college, and possibly have a graduate degree (or two…) If so, another example of the complete destruction of liberal arts education can be added to the pile of academic refuse.

  28. This is disgusting. It went from who cares what we do in the bedroom to who cares if we have GAY SEX IN PUBLIC. Can’t wait for the pendulum to swing back.

    • Bedroom? This was in a pubic space, a SENATE hearing room, at his work! There were just hearing emphasizing there are cameras everywhere in those buildings. This wasn’t an act of bravery it was poor judgment at best and criminal at its worst. I’m gay, and anyone that can’t make that simple distinction is literally a moron. A Starbucks worker would be fired for less. He then self published. What is wrong with you?????

    • Why don’t OTHER Democratic U.S. Representatives immediately step forward and hire this publicly gay man? I thought Democrats cared about gay etc issues. Democrats could also have pressured the Democratic Rep, who fired this gay man, to RE-HIRE him. And where are the job offers from Democratic STATE LEVEL politicians from the most liberal states? Cal Gov Gavin Newsom himself could hire the man somewhere and have a parade. Why the total re-hire silence? And why then horrifically blame, denigrate and smear everyone OTHER THAN those who could EASILY correct the “mistake?”

  29. This wasn’t “love,” this was LUST, b/c these freaks don’t know what love REALLY is. This whole article is INSANE, the ramblings of someone addicted to COPIUM, so self-deluded he can’t tell wrong from right. PATHETIC.

  30. Degenerate sexual deviants are going to act like degenerate deviants no matter where they work. It’s science, so even the retarded alphabet identifying morons should understand

  31. Show me in his original job application, and documents in his personnel file, that specifically state: anal sex, oral sex, or any sex of any kind on the work premises, is part of the job description and paycheck?

  32. This is disgusting and deplorable. Flip the script, a straight couple “making love” on the Hearing floor. Ya’ll be all over saying how terrible thar would be. A “white privilege” somehow or that it is systemically racist. Fuck right off.

    • It’s already happened. The same people REEEEEEing like autistic children about Lauren Boebert wearing a low-cut blouse in a restaurant on her own time are defending this.

      These people have no principles, just a playbook. They don’t really believe in anything at all, other than power. If you listen, sometimes they’ll slip up and say the quiet part out loud.

  33. “And in a time when the LGBTQ community is under existential threat by white fragility feeling threatened, open displays of LGBTQ culture are necessarily brave. In some ways, Aidan’s act mirrored that of Anne Frank, who dared to express her honest thoughts and feelings even as she hid from rabid insurrectionist-style death squads.”


    One was hiding from goons dead set on murdering her. Spoiler: they eventually DID.

    The other was getting off while fulfilling a sexual kink in what was once regarded as the PEOPLE’S house and sacred.

    This man wasn’t brave, he was perverted and he was fired for reckless, disgusting behavior.

    If you find his actions in any way “brave” or “progressive,” you are part of the PROBLEM, not the solution.

    Grow up.

    No one cares what you do in private.
    All we ask is you KEEP IT THERE.

    • Sex is the root word to sexual intercourse, which cannot happen between two men or 2 women because humans are not asexual organisms. What we have here is a perversion or the mentally ill, which they promote as “normal behavior”. There’s only one solution.

  34. so when I go to your house and film myself masturbating into their sock drawer, I hope they write an article about my bravery and demonstration of love. love is love. self love is love. cumming IS love. to cum is to love. to cum wherever you want is revolutionary. i will cum in your sock drawer, in their face, on their children, and in their synagogue. I will do this rebellious act of LOVE to fight of nazis and honor the legacy of Anne Frank (I will cum in Ann Frank’s diary to demonstrate my LOVE for Ann Frank).

  35. Poorly written article by someone that is clearly insane. Nobody is entitled to have sex in a public place. Lots of grasping and mental gymnastics by this author. So terrible it’s funny.

  36. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! breath breath hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  37. Articles like this is why you’ll lose your straight allies. While any sane person would distance themselves from ANYONE have sex in their workplace, this writer embraces it.

  38. Imagine even remotely believing that having anal sex and then smearing shit all over a desk inside the capital is what love looks like. Its a disgusting and replusive form of lust at best.

  39. This is a joke right? It has to be. There is no way you’re actually defending what he did as some sort of heroic thing. And to compare the debauchery to Anne Frank? He did a stupid thing and got caught and is now facing the consequences of his actions. Anyone would be fired for doing something like this. It isn’t a gay vs straight thing. It’s a moral vs immoral thing.

  40. I think it’s telling how much the uncensored videos are spread around by “traditional Christians” than anything else.

    • I think it has nothing to do with “religion” and if you agree with it, I owe you a favor. No one will ever know. All will be dissolved in an instant. Get over here now!

    • I’ve never seen the uncensored video, definitely not posted by Christians of any sort. I daresay you’re just making stuff up to support your bigoted beliefs, as espoused in your own username. The left can do nothing but project, and you can’t even condemn the disgusting and ILLEGAL act of sodomy on public property.

      You have shown us who you are, and your boos matter not b/c we can see what makes you cheer. Stop projecting.

    • They might believe it’s stunning and brave to have sex in public. But of course, they think sex and love are synonymous, so perhaps they are twisted enough to believe that.

    • The sex predator Bill Clinton started the trend in 1995 with the 18 year old women he seduced and coerced into sex in the Oval Office. Any other CEO did that in ‘the office’ and they are terminated immediately. He got a slap on the wrist. Those women today, damaged, afraid, PTSD and more. And all the women who accused him ‘before’ he was president of rape and more still get dismissed by media.

  41. Never seen something like this. Absolute wow. A blatant display of love in the halls of power, a place that would exterminate them for being gay. They have titanic size balls, unlike the right-wing cissyboys.

  42. Sex isn’t love. Love isn’t sex.

    Two people can have sex without loving each other. It happens all the time.

    Two people can love each other without having sex. It also happens all the time.

    This conflation of the two in this article relegates it to becoming a self-satirizing piece: a monument to what happens when someone attempts to turn a foolish choice into a noble act.

    For the sake of your own reporting credibility, please at least attempt to maintain some journalistic objectivity.

    • Comparing what this person did to Anne Frank is a biiiiiiiitt of a stretch. On the flip side had this been done by someone on the right, oh the outrage. Hypocrisy at its finest. Keep saying, the liberals want to eventually normalize pedophilia.

    • Black community is happy to see gays self destruct. They have been the most violent and intolerant of gays.. for.. well.. always!! Go to Harlem.. you will not find a single gay flag, tiny gay flag sticker on business door… nothing. They do not like us! Are there rainbow cross walks in Harlem. No.

  43. A sexual act, videoed and distributed to anyone for any reason is NOT “An act of love”. It was intentionally made for the ‘shock’ factor. It was made intentionally for other men who are ‘turned on’ by sex acts in public places. I get it. I used to have a similar fetish. But I also learned its bad behavior, its also likely breaking a law or 2. I also learned that lesson. You must accept the consequences for bad behavior. Not celebrate it and “circle the wagons”. The men in video were wrong for doing what they did in the location they did it. The author of this article is also wrong in spinning the behavior as acceptable.

    • If satire it’s still sad. And we’ve had drag invited trans queens flashing their tits at the White House. Cocaine found in the White House (and they still say they don’ know where it came from…. yah right). I’m gay but maturity and decency is a thing folks.

  44. You do realize that when you say white this and white that you create white racial awareness and unity right? You are the reason there are all these Nazis now.

    • Now, as a gay person who very much does not approve of Mr. Maese-Czeropski’s brazen action, I’m concerned that laughable articles like these will simply give reactionaries an excuse for their homophobia.

      Your second sentence is weird, since your username “Bolshevik Hater,” is a not-so-subtle allusion to the Neo-Nazi dog whistle for Jewish people, and you support more Nazis being created. In fact, white nationalists should be politically and culturally exterminated.

      • Agreed. As an ally (cis gendered white straight male), articles like this are just going to hurt the LGBTQ causes in the long term.

  45. How does anyone know love was involved here and not just sexual lust? Lots of people have probably had sex in that room this guy just got caught filming it. Is it love or just a lack of impulse control by people acting like pigs?

      • So why not just take a crap on the president’s podium? Same thing. Sex has become boring and stale. A big fat yawn. I hope you meant that “inspirational act” as a joke? Please tell me it’s a joke.

    • 1985: PMRC: Al Gore and Tipper Gore (Democrats) lead the charge to ban and censor music. Madonna and Cyndi Lauper’s bubble gum pop were also part of the list. The list of 15 Songs:

      Video of Testimony:

      The outcome: The Music industry agreed to the “Parental Warning” censorship stickers (self censor) before congress took any action (pro or con).

    • And yet Democrats are the ones who fired this guy. And rightfully so. If it was a man and a woman recording themselves screwing here, they should also be fired. It’s gross, come on. We are devolving as a society.

    • “White Wing” 💀Pretty sure gay marriage and sex is legal. It’s acts like these that make people want to make it illegal. It’s funny because the fact you refer anti LGBT as White wing confirms my suspicion that non Whites are gayer than Whites. Thanks for proving my point. Wish latinx like you would be gay in your latinx country. Mayo monkeys like me are tired of gay people. They’re full of parasites and diseases. They’re also very over sexual and cannot contain themselves to a bedroom. Modesty is gone. The act is literal proof the LGBT movement is Weimar Germany levels of societal deterioration.

    • I remember when the SJWs boycotted the Harry Potter universe because the writer dared to say that only people who are women are born with a uterus. The same snowflakes who boycotted Netflix when Dave Chappelle declared that every one of us entered this world from a woman’s body. The same people who declare words (or even silence) to be violence, but defend words calling for genocide against the Jews as “free expression”. You’re freaking hilarious bro. Pokémon? Heavy Metal? The George HW/W Bush years have been over for a while now. Open your eyeballs.

      • There is litterally nothing in common. One was running from certain death and documenting it in a journal. The other was getting railed at the office and uploaded it to the internet.

        There isn’t anybody alive that wouldn’t lose their job for this.

      • People like YOU would have cheered the Nazis on as they murdered Anne. People like you are why I will never vote for another democrat and I used to be one. No I am not a republican.

      • Stereotypes exist for a reason. With conservative politicians you know it’s just a question of time until you catch them with a boy in the bathroom.

        • It won’t work. Their party disapproves of it and the offender will be mocked and ruined. If a leftist does it he’ll be praised.

        • Not everyone is addicted to porn like you. People have standards and because they have those standards doesn’t mean they’re gay. Are you saying people like me need to be more vicious and hostile towards LGBT to drive our point home, and remove any dismissal of us being closeted. I’d gladly support the castration of LGBT, as they make up a large portion of pedophiles. I’d even go as far as sending them to a prison for gay people on a deserted island where you guys will export resources via manual labor. And no you will not be able to continue your degen practices.

    • He’s an adult. Grown ass man. Stop making excuses for him by using the ‘young man’ bit. Get off yo’ hi horse and grow up.

    • You Cara are disgusting. Nobody is allowed to criticize gays who engage in VERY risky unprotected sex? Really? Just you then?
      Trying to spread AID’s and HIV is now a human right or something? You are so busy sneering in derision as you pretend you have moral authority over your sociopolitical opponents you forgot little Aiden was breaking the most basic rules of public health for gay men – NO UNPROTECTED SEX WITH STRANGERS.
      I think it is pretty clear at this point: Progressives are an insane cult.


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