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Internet archives expose Cenk Uygur’s sex pest, racist past The TYT host presents himself as a pillar of feminism and the progressive left, but internet history shows Cenk Uygur has a shady past involving sex abuse and prolific racism.

A damning report has completely torpedoed the feminist image the The Young Turks talking head has tried to nurture in recent times.

It turns out that before he got to signal his virtue from the mountaintops of YouTube’s front page (with the backing of billionaires), Cenk Uygur expressed pro-rape views, championed sexual harassment, prostitution and human trafficking, racist views of Native Americans, and enough n-bombs to make the Daily Stormer blush.

In a 2002 archive of Uygur’s website, he wrote that “obviously, the genes of women are flawed. They are poorly designed creatures who do not want to have sex nearly as often as needed for the human race to get along peaceably and fruitfully.”

In a now-deleted post from 2003, the progressive ideologue wrote about seeing and feeling up countless women while drunk at Mardi Gras.

“I had one of the best nights of my life at Mardi Gras. I kissed over 23 different women, saw and felt countless breasts, and was in a wonderful drunken stupor thanks to my friend John Daniels,” he said, referring to the Jack Daniels whiskey.

Uygur’s obsession with sex transcended his own personal life, as he weighed in with sexual remarks about rapists in as recent as 2014.

During a broadcast of The Young Turks, Uygur talked about how a 29-year-old teacher who was charged for the statutory rape of a 15-year-old student should be excused for her crime, because she looked “hot.”

“I’m going to get in trouble here,” Uygur said on The Young Turks. “I denounce and reject myself for all of that, but she looks so young. She looks 24 at most in all her pictures.”

He said that a 15-year-old would be considered old enough to have sex with an adult “back in the day,” adding that if the student had been his own son or daughter, he wouldn’t want the teacher imprisoned because he has an “internal rule” about the age of consent inconsistent with the law.

It wouldn’t be the first time Uygur championed the cause of statutory rapists. In 2009, the TYT host shared similar remarks about a case in which the victim was 13-years-old, stating that the attractiveness of the teacher was “relevant” to whether it should be considered rape.

“For 99% of human history, if a woman of that attractiveness came to a 13-year-old boy who had gone past puberty and offered sexual relations to him — that would have been considered what they called back in the day FTW — for the win,” said Uygur.

During the report, Uygur also seized the opportunity to sexually objectify the female police officer interviewed by the news station. “The cop’s not bad either, how you doing Nadine? I’ve been a bad boy,” he quipped.

In her article, Fairbanks points out how Cenk Uygur has written candidly about his personal fetishes involving young people, explaining in depth how he gets “really turned on by the thought of an older woman and a younger woman hooking up.”

“The thought of the older woman seducing the young girl is a great thought,” he wrote in the now-deleted (but archived) post. “I just wish women would realize how cool bisexuality is (for women!) for the sake of us all.”

He partly explored his sexual fetish in real life during an eight day-long trip with The Young Turks co-founder Dave Koller in 2005. In a diary-style article for the TYT website, Koller wrote about how he and Uygur encountered three teenage girls in a small Pennsylvania town, referring to them as “whores in training.”

The girls were between the ages of 14 to 16.

“In one small Pennsylvania town we stopped for gas, and while Cenk filled up I went to talk to these three girls who were walking down the road nearby. Turns out they were three teenage girls, whores in training, literally looking for boys to pick them up.

Cenk soon joined me and we discovered these three little spoiled brat bitch young American girls on their way to becoming abused porn actresses or dispensable property in a New York City prostitution ring.  The girls live in a small town nearby, and were in this town visiting the grandma of one of them.  They were around 14-16 and in a few more years will be pretty damn good looking, but not great.”

Koller says he asked the girls if any of them had sex, and judged from their reactions that one was possibly a virgin.

On that same trip, Koller and Uygur visited an Asian brothel.

“Except we missed a turn that we needed, so we had to go back onto a commercial road, and at the first place of business we saw with an Asian name, Cenk turned in, assuming it was a restaurant. Except it wasn’t – it was the other type of Asian establishment, and I don’t mean dry cleaners.  I mean massage parlor.  We couldn’t believe it.  Of course we went in.  We didn’t see the girls, and the price was high and we didn’t have time so we didn’t patronize, but I did squeeze the Madam’s ass on our way out.”

Further along in the road trip, Koller says both he and Uygur made sexual advances toward teenage girls with their parents present.

“Drive through Navajo country to Monument Valley, where the John Wayne films were shot.  Cool fucking place. We hit on these two cute French teenagers while their parents were standing right next to them.”

In the exposé, Cassandra Fairbanks details further extent of Cenk Uygur’s views on women in general, workplace sexual harassment, and Native Americans.

It’s a far cry from the persona he masks himself with with in 2017.

UPDATE: A shocking video compilation has emerged exposing Cenk Uygur’s prolific use of the n-word.

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8 thoughts on “<span class="entry-title-primary">Internet archives expose Cenk Uygur’s sex pest, racist past</span> <span class="entry-subtitle">The TYT host presents himself as a pillar of feminism and the progressive left, but internet history shows Cenk Uygur has a shady past involving sex abuse and prolific racism.</span>”

    • I am not sure how this can be fake news, they are words from his own mouth. So you think he was lying about these stories for all these years?
      It is typical of liberals to point fingers at what they are really doing. Happens all the time.

  1. Remember that liberals can never be hypocrites because to be a hypocrite you have to have a moral standard to live by.

    Any Moral standards created by liberals are solely for the rest of us to follow but not them.

  2. Geese I wonder, does his new found SJW friendly position on everything (including his own persona) have anything to do with the literal 100’s of millions received from the global narco/pedophile rings?

  3. There are at least two TYT videos where Cenk admitted to what’s now known as rape-by-deception: that he lied about being a hockey player to sleep with a girl.

    One was about a Palestinian who lied about being an Israeli, the other was called something like “lying to get laid” about some magazine survey.

    In a video about Magic Johnson he said he’d prefer to get AIDS than wait until marriage to have sex.

    In another video, John Iadarola claimed he’d be okay with 11 year-olds having sex as long as they used protection.

  4. I’m not going to start pretending that I wouldn’t have been thrilled to hook up with a hot 29 year old when I was in high school, so I’m not going to feign outrage about him telling the truth about that. High school boys fucking hot teachers isn’t damaging to them, no matter how people try to pretend it is.

    The rest of the stuff is pretty creepy, though, which isn’t surprising since he’s a creepy guy.

  5. This does not surprise me in the least. It’s always the ones who finger-point and judge everyone who end up being guilty of what they condemn others for.


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